Colchester's Military Heritage Please visit the following links for more information.
Introduction What buildings still exist? 3 43 to 1750 2 1750 - 1860 4 1860 - 1900 5 1900 to present 6 A Museum? 7
Colchester Men at Trafalgar Colchester Men at Waterloo Colchester Men at Gallipoli Colchester Men at the Somme What Buildings Still Exist? Here are a few pictures of what is left of the Cavalry Barracks. We will add more pictures of other areas in due course.
As of August 2015, the open areas of the site were being rapidly devoured by new house building by Bovis Homes.
Commissariat Reserve Stores (SUP 3)
T below ????
This building is variously described as a stable to a motor vehicle store. The high windows give evidence of horses being stabled here at some time.
Guard House (CAV 1)
I J K L M N below - protected
This is a view denied to civilians until 2004 when we were able to explore the land. This is/was the 1860s main entrance to cavalry barracks, with its guard room, cells, etc. It became redundant when Circular Road North was constructed.
The last photograph is a view from the other side, in Butt Road, when a group of us went on a fact finding mission.
IC 9, Regimental Institute
V below - threatened
This was one of the NAAFI buildings which became a regimental HQ and education centre. It is a near copy of the building that we now know as Roman Circus House, a few hundred metres to the north west, now the home of the Colchester Archaeological Trust.
Bovis Homes want to flatten it.
Sergeants' Mess and School (CAV 10)
U below - threatened. The Sergeant's Mess. An application was made by Bovis Homes in 2013 to demolish this building as well.
Smithy and Armourer's shop CAV 2
P Q R below - threatened. Constructed in the 1860s, these smithy farrier, saddle maker, etc. buildings are unique in the country, being the last of their kind and period in the country.
An application was made by Bovis Homes in 2013 to demolish these buildings.
Soldiers' Quarters (CAV 7, CAV 8)
Z Z below - protected
These are barrack blocks for soldiers only, no horses.
Stables with troop accommodation over (CAV 4, CAV 5, CAV 6)
W W W below - protected
Three of these stable blocks have survived, three more to a similar pattern having been demolished several decades ago. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and the soldiers lived above.
Straw and hay store (CAV 3)
Please visit the following links for more information.
Introduction What buildings still exist? 3 43 to 1750 2 1750 - 1860 4 1860 - 1900 5 1900 to present 6 A Museum? 7
Page Created
17th October 2013
4th October 2015